Bag of Lies Nigerian Movie is a horror film directed by David James. The movie revolves around a man named Matt who is desperate to save his dying wife. In his quest for a cure, he turns to an ancient relic called "The Bag" that possesses dark magic. However, using the relic comes with chilling rituals and strict rules, and as Matt's wife heals, his sanity begins to unravel, leading to terrifying consequences.
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Genre: Horror
Title: Bag of Lies
Directed by: David James
Starring: Patrick Taft , Brandi Botkin , John Wells
Release Name: Bag.Of.Lies.2024.BDRIP.H264-RBB
Video: MKV
Audio: English
Runtime: 1 h 35 min
Subtitles: English
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Bag of Lies
Bag of lies nigerian movie cast
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Horror Movies
netflix movies
Nigerian movies